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    Mental Health


    Under 25’s

    Over 60’s

    Money Issues

    Domestic Violence


    Mental Health

    The information below is provided, so you can  find some help whether you’re concerned about yourself or a loved one. These helplines and support groups can offer expert advice.

    My Mental Wellness

    A site where you can see what free services are available to you to give you tools to work through the issues you or someone you know are facing

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    Anxiety UK

    Charity providing support if you have been diagnosed with an anxiety condition

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    Bipolar UK

    A charity helping people living with manic depression or bipolar disorder.

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    OCD UK

    A charity run by people with OCD, for people with OCD. Includes facts, news and treatments.

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    The Samaritans

    Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.

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    Emotional support, information and guidance for people affected by mental illness, their families and carers.

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    Mental Health Foundation

    Provides information and support for anyone with mental health problems or learning disabilities.

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    The information below is provided, so you can take steps to help your housing situation. We are providing links to other organisations who may be able to help and also some tips on how to cope and where you can get more support.

    Citizens Advice

    Free, confidential information and advice on your rights, including with money, housing, legal and other problems.

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    Shelter England

    Provides free, confidential advice on housing and homelessness in England.

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    Provides a wide range of services for homeless people, including Crisis at Christmas centres

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    Streetlink UK

    Connects people who are sleeping rough with local services.

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    UNDER 25’s

    Details of places you can go if you’re a young person looking for support or information.


    Under 18s helpline, webchat and online support groups for people with eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia.

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    Provides advice, housing and support for young people aged 16–25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in England.

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    Confidential advice and information about drugs, the effects they can have and the law.

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    Me and My Mind

    Advice and support for young people struggling with unusual experiences, such as hearing voices.

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    OVER 60’s

    The information below is provided for anyone over 60, their loved ones, carers, friends and family.

    The Silver Line

    The Silver Line is the only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

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    Campaign to End Lonliness

    The Campaign to End Loneliness believe that people of all ages need connections that matter. The campaign aims to end loneliness across the UK, but they also have campaign managers in specific areas of the country.

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    The Cruse Bereavement Care Freephone National Helpline is staffed by trained bereavement volunteers, who offer emotional support to anyone affected by bereavement.

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    AGE UK

    Age UK are open 365 days a year. They provide help with many issues including, spotting scams, enabling independence, benefits advice and calculations, money advice, health issues, help for carers and travel and lifestyle choices for the elderly.

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    Money Issues

    The information below is provided, so you can take steps to help your financial situation. We are providing links to other organisations who may be able to help and also some tips on how to cope and where you can get more support.


    Free, confidential information and advice on your finances and rights. Stepchange offer free, impartial advice to help.

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    National Debt Helpline

    National Debtline is a charity who give free and independent advice over the phone and online.

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    Citizens Advice Bureau – Debt Help

    Provides a wide range of links to the CAB’s financial / debt help.

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    Turn2us is a national charity helping people when times get tough. They provide financial support to help people get back on track.

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    Domestic Violence

    The information below is provided, so you can take steps to help your situation. We are providing links to other organisations who may be able to help and also some tips on how to cope and where you can get more support.

    Sutton Womens Centre

    Sutton Women’s Centre is run by local women for the benefit of local women, and our aim is to empower women in our community.

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    Provides free, confidential advice online and via the freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247

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    The confidential helpline is available for male victims of domestic abuse and male victims of domestic violence across the UK, Mankind supports men suffering from domestic abuse from their current or former wife or partner (including same-sex partner).

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    Victim Support

    As an independent charity, Victim Support works towards a world where people affected by crime or traumatic events get the support they need and the respect they deserve. They help people feel safer and find the strength to move beyond crime. Support is free, confidential and tailored to your needs.

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    We are providing links to other organisations who may be able to help and also some tips on how to cope and where you can get more support.

    Supportline UK

    SupportLine is particularly aimed at those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

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    Action on Addiction

    Action on Addiction aims to provide the best quality and most effective addiction treatment in the UK linked to a growing network of communities in recovery

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    AA – Alcoholic Anonymous

    People come to AA through many different means… choose the path that best suits you. If you prefer e-mail as a means of contact then feel free to email

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    Providing a lifeline of safe and caring support to families, friends and partners affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol use.

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